Member-only story
Slaying the Dragon of “Thou Shalt”
“They fear their higher self, because when it speaks, it speaks demandingly.”- Nietzsche
Growing up in “Motley Cow” in a Roman Catholic family, I was an expert in the recitation of “Thou shalt’s”. After all, the exchange of uttering my “thou shalt’s” for more or less 20 minutes daily or spending 1 hour per week learning more earned the right to believe I was loved, was considered “good” and had a chance to be the bride at a destination wedding when my time on earth had ceased.
Getting older, I realized life experience was more than a bartering of “if this then that”. I exhausted myself and ran out of coins to put in the giant prayer vending machine in a location far far away where I could literally dial in whatever combination of letters and numbers I wanted but ultimately it was God’s decision to dish whatever was “best for me” to receive anyway.
Spiritually, I graduated from being a great member of the local herd to a camel ready for the heaviest burden of weight people could possibly lay upon my back. This was an obvious over correct in my thinking if we are subject to this highly judging and terrifying great oz, then I would become the rescuer of humanity.
“There are many things for the spirit, for the strong heavy spirit in which dwell respect and awe: its strength longs for the heavy, for the heaviest…