Member-only story
To Hide the Divine, Put It In A Person.
“Humanity is a disclosure of the Divine”- Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
It is one thing to say we know, that each of us is created from divinity. But it is another thing to hold that every human being is a disclosure of the divine. To disclose means we make it known. We expose to view. We reveal to uncover.
Heschel believed that the divine was hidden, and couldn’t be seen or known directly by us mere mortals. But, he invites us in these words to grasp the idea that each human being offers us some clue of what the divine is, some reflection, some refraction of the sacred. It is in us that the hidden divine is revealed.
Yet, we forget who we are. We knock for the Divine on the door to a building. We seek the Divine through words on a page. We ask for the Divine through begging for answers. Have you seen your reflection? Have you found the treasure lying dormant with you?
We allow the world, people, experiences to “fence us in” rather than “fencing in” the truth of who we are created to be. So, as Atticus so perfectly stated, “we learn to wear a thousand faces all to hide our own”.
Don’t you see your face is beautiful?
Don’t you see your face tells a story?